The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported by the pupil premium is much lower than the national average. Downs junior school roopal patel rp pvi early years representative viv warren vw early years representative secondary schools james kilmartin jk headteacher, cardinal newman catholic school. We believe that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community. Please feel free to browse through all sections of our website. Parent info is a free service that shares articles, tips, expert advice and resources designed to help. The governors of two hove primary schools have this week given their unanimous backing to a merger. Brighton and hove chathealth messaging letter for parent carers 2 home learning information for parents. Kevin hubbard acknowledged, on behalf of the governors, sarahs significant contribution to the successful journey of mundy junior school. We have an expectation that all of our pupils aim for the highest standards in all that they do, whether it be academic work, relationships, sporting and musical activities or outstanding behaviour. Use this comments section to discuss term dates for patcham junior school. Governors were pleased the school was managing to keep to budget. Be aware of scam emails we have been informed that some parents have received an email stating the following. Part of my remit as school business manager is to be the clerk to.
The governors appoint the head teacher and it is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in the school. Please find below details of how our governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each governor. Ashbrook junior school governing body is a group of people who meet regularly with the headteachers to make decisions about how the school is run. Patcham infant school holidays and term dates 20202021. Meetings for the school year 201920 all full governing body meetings are planned for. All governors are required to attend induction training within the first six months. Home, our school headteacher welcome shared vision whos who pupil premium school. At our school we have a very committed governing body who work actively to help improve and support the school. Click here to find out who is in the governing body at patcham junior school. View the schooldash insights profile for this school subscribers only. Patcham has entered the sussex school virtual games and it started this week monday 27th of april. If you are from the school, please contact us via uk parents evening system patcham junior school. Additional rooms were used at 99 trafalgar street until january 1931 when the old premises of the boys secondary school became available. Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of patcham junior school as these comments will not be approved.
School members chair peter freeman pf governor, coombe rd primary school early years and primary damien jordan dj headteacher fairlight primary school. Taverham junior is a voluntary controlled, church of england school, maintained by norfolk local authority. I am responsible for finance, human resources and the school administration. The full governing body usually meets three times a term. Downs junior school, rugby road, brighton, bn1 6ed. Brackenbury primary school pdf 204kb governor vacancy. We hope you will find the following information about our role, who we are and how we work helpful. A school has been criticised by inspectors for having serious weaknesses in its standard of teaching. I strongly believe in supporting our local community and patcham junior school is at its very heart. Patcham high school governing body minutes page 3 of 6 overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent holding the headteacher to account for the performance management of staff at some schools. Patcham junior school is a vibrant, hardworking and fun school to learn or teach in. At patcham junior school, equality and respect for diversity is central to our ethos. The competition includes pupils and parentsadults if they wish to participate in challenges that are set every monday at 9. Mildmay junior school governing committee agrees the strategic priorities, aims and objectives for the school in communication with bridge academy trust.
Parents are able to claim free school meals if they receive a qualifying benefit. Governor name of business nature of business nature of interest. Governors tanners wood junior mixed and infant school. The dates for patcham infant school may be different to the dates published by the local education authority, so please ensure you check the dates with the school before booking a holiday. In 2012 governors for schools began a partnership with the university of manchester to ensure local schools have access to skilled governors. The governing body of st thomas of canterbury c of e junior school comprises of 12 governors. List of former board schools in brighton and hove wikipedia. Mrs leonie george clerk of the governors and school business manager. The school is fortunate to have a committed team of governors who play an important role in the leadership and everyday life of the school. First day for year 7 is 7th september 2020 first day for rest of school is 8th september 2020. Patcham junior school pulled up by inspectors for weaknesses. Parents and teachers work together with others from local business and community groups to supply the best education for your child.
Welcome to the governors page of the school website. A number of governors also have responsibilities for specific issues within the school such as literacy, maths and safeguarding. The headteacher may choose to be a headteacher governor. All terms of office other than headteacher are for four years, although a. Ladies mile road, patcham, brighton, east sussex, bn1 8ta. The school may follow the dates provided by the local authority you can find the brighton and hove local authority dates here. We have a single local governing committee appointed by the good shepherd trust.
I am proud to introduce you to our three form entry junior school located on the edge of the beautiful south downs in patcham village to the north of brighton. We provide a supporting role for the school community, staff and children. Between 1870 and the early 20th century, a distinguished group of board schools were built in the area covered by the present city of brighton and hove on the south coast of england. Patcham high school is one of nine secondary schools in brighton, located in the village of patcham. The work of governors is closely aligned to the school improvement plan.
This does not show pupils who actually received free school meals but those who are eligible to receive them. First day for year 7 is 6th september 2019 first day for rest of school is 9th september 2019 inset days 20192020. Governors at patcham junior were particularly aware of the performance of the disadvantaged. Buttsbury junior school buttsbury junior school friends association impetus education consultant. A presentation of flowers was made to sarah hogg who has been a governor for 7 years at mundy junior school. Thatcham park c of e primary school is committed to safeguarding children and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
The governing body does not manage the school that is the job of the headteacher and the staff but governors do oversee the development of the school, and support the headteacher in the running of the school through tasks such as setting the school s strategy, formulating policies and approving the budget. All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. If you want to know more about keeping your children safe using the internet please refer to our esafety area. With the exception of the headteacher governor, all governors are appointed for a term of 4 years, may resign at any time and are not automatically reappointed at the end of their term. I have served on the governing body of patcham junior school since 2006. Full list of brighton and hove schools to close if teachers. It is responsible for both ottershaw c of e infant and junior schools. The governors are representatives of the local community.
I have a particular interest in supporting children with special education needs. Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth. The governing body does not manage the school that is the job of the headteacher and the staff but governors do oversee the development of the school, and support the headteacher in the running of the school through tasks such as setting the schools strategy, formulating policies and approving the budget. Patcham high school has its roots in a school opened on 3 september 1928, as the brighton intermediate school, in the premises formerly occupied by the girls secondary school later varndean school for girls in york place. At these meetings, the governing body carries out its three core functions.
Income figures are for all schools in the same federation see list below right. Patcham junior school in ladies mile road, brighton, has been judged inadequate. Governors are the largest voluntary organisation in the uk with just over 300,000 members. We offer a full range of learning opportunities to pupils aged 7 to 11 years old and have excellent facilities including our two large halls, a bespoke music and performance room as well as our computing suite. Jan 06, 2014 30,000 volunteers wanted but whod be a school governor. The governors of davigdor infant school voted in favour of the merger on monday 2 march and the governors of somerhill junior school. The term and holiday dates for patcham infant school have been checked and verified against the dates listed by brighton and hove local education authority. Patcham junior school, brighton the good schools guide. Governors are appointed to help decide what is taught in the school, to set standards of behaviour, to interview and select staff and to decide how the school budget is spent. I feel very privileged to be able to play a small part in assisting patcham junior school and its fantastic team. Each individual governor at reedings is a member of the schools governing body, which is established in law as a corporate body. The term and holiday dates for patcham junior school have been checked and verified against the dates listed by brighton and hove local education authority.
The main work of the governing body is carried out by committees and working parties. To view the local council dates visit brighton and hove local education authority. These impacts are dependent on the third party nature of the audit. A state school for boys and girls aged from 7 to 11. Sep 04, 2017 the term and holiday dates have not been verified by patcham infant school. At someries we take great pride in our school and work together to challenge, inspire and motivate all children to become successful, confident and caring individuals. This mixedsex primary school has 366 pupils, with a capacity of 384, aged from seven up to eleven, and the type of establishment is community school. Only one councilcontrolled school in brighton and hove will remain open if tomorrows teachers strike goes ahead. This shows whether a pupils family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in the annual spring school census. We currently have two vacancies on our board of governors. Full list of brighton and hove schools to close if. Patcham junior school is located in patcham, brighton and falls under the local authority of brighton and hove. Here you can find details of the events taking place during school time and the term dates and inset days.
Crabtree junior school is part of the crabtree multiacademy trust and is governed by the directors of the trust and by its local governing body lgb. Governor terms of office declarations register resources committee curriculum overview english reading. We believe our school creates an environment where everyone is proud of their achievements, where pupils are happy and believe that they can. The school is larger than the averagesized junior school. The governors are dedicated to the support of the school and the education and welfare of the pupils.
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